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Net zero is becoming a real business need and trend, championed by the investor community and embraced by companies and governments around the world. The Net Zero Methodology for Hotels aims to define net zero for the broader benefit of the hotel industry as well as travel and tourism.

This methodology provides the most comprehensive net zero guidance covering every aspect of the hotel industry’s value chain. It serves as the referential methodology that can be used by all stakeholders in the tourism value chain when addressing net zero in developing, owning, operating, franchising, booking, and staying in hotels.

The Methodology has been developed through a collaborative effort of Greenview, the Pacific Asia Travel Association (PATA), Sustainable Hospitality Alliance, and the World Travel & Tourism Council (WTTC), supported by an advisory group of experts from hotel companies around the world, and input from a wide range of stakeholders. The First Edition was launched as part of the Glasgow Declaration at COP 26 in Glasgow.

The Second Edition of the Methodology has recently launched, which further strengthens the content from the first and updates the sources, learning and developments that were observed on climate action in the past year. This edition also incorporated feedback from practitioner panel members, who are hotel organisations that had used the 1st edition of the Methodology to implement net zero goals.

What’s new in the 2nd Edition?

  • Further technical guidance on the sources, boundaries, and quantification of Scope 3 emissions
  • Enhanced resources for emission factors and their use across all scopes where publicly available
  • Enhanced guidance on addressing the scope 3 boundary of guest travel to the hotel when organized by the hotel or parent company
  • Further guidance on how to implement the methodology in practice, including simplified guidance for a single hotel property and templates for communicating a net zero plan and IMP
  • Expanded technical guidance on purchased renewable energy
  • Up-to-date references and resources with latest available information and initiatives
  • Expanded guidance and best practices on pursuing target validation by the Science-based Targets initiative
  • Expanded guidance on carbon offsetting claiming and purchasing
  • Further clarifications and guidance within reason based on user feedback and requests

The Methodology is supplemented with two Practical Guides, one for hotel companies and second for single properties.